We left our house on Saturday afternoon. I was excited yet nervous. We went to stay at the airport hotel, I and my Dad went to the pool, and I lost my bracelet that my bestie gave to me. We also got Wendy’s for dinner and watched some modern family.
The next day we got to go to the V.I.P lounge at the airport. After me and my Mom went through customs which took around one hour. We were also early for the flight. We then went to the flight gate and Angel had to be put into her carry-on kennel. Which she hated! We were on the plane for 10 hours.
After 10 hours went by we arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. We waited for our next flight, which was to Greece, we then went to Rafina. Rafina is on the coast and lots of ferry’s go there. We stayed in a two bedroom apartment. We got some food and then we went to sleep in the apartment. I fell asleep In the same room as my Mom.
The next day I woke up at exactly 4:00 a.m. My Mom woke up a little bit after me. Then we went to the port to get tickets. The suitcase handle broke and Mom had to carry the suitcase, That was when she wished the suitcase was lighter, and she had packed less. When we got to the ferry my mom realized that she dropped our jackets, So she went looking for the jackets and asked someone who worked with the ferry to watch me. I chased birds then I got cold I and built a little wall around myself to keep the cold away and waste time. Then finally my Mom came back with the jackets. We then got onto the ferry. We passed a lot of places and we passed this one place that had a port that had a wall that was all broken down because of the wind and water.
We arrived in Mykonos and I was so happy yet sort of tired because I and Mom and my Uncle Tony had to clean up our house in Mykonos. My Uncle Tony was in Mykonos before we came there this year. Because Tony took everything out of the house so the three of us finished cleaning. We got settled in the house and I helped make the beds and we slept.